Hot Springs, Arkansas

After a dreary, wet winter, we are finally starting to see some semblance of spring. We fell back an hour, (why are they still torturing us with this?!?) our daytime is a little longer, and people look to be coming out of their holes for spring break.

We spent about a week at Crater of Diamonds State Park, and while we didn’t find a diamond, we really didn’t get a good chance to make a noble go of it. It was either raining or freezing. But I highly recommend Crater of Diamonds State Park. We had a lovely campsite, spacious, paved and the park was quite nice. There are easily accessible walking trails as well. During warmer months, they have a small water park and snack bar open.

Crater of Diamonds

We started making our way toward Hot Springs and it wasn’t a long drive, a little less than 2 hours maybe with our RV. In Hot Springs, we managed to snag a spot at Gulpha Gorge Campground in the national park there. There are no reservations, just first come first serve. Arriving on a pretty chilly Sunday, we got a good spot that fit our RV. FYI: the spots closer to the front of the campground are more apt to fit a larger RV. The ones in the back may if you can back in. They are tighter to turn, and there are several spaces with trees that may make it more challenging. It was nice, our RV backed up to a pretty creek and it was quite pleasant.

Hot Springs was an enjoyable city. We learned our way around pretty quickly. We spent many of the days perusing the old downtown and Bathhouse Row. My birthday passed while we were there so we all went to a movie as a family and then my oldest and I had a girls afternoon and hit the private baths at Quapaw Bathhouse, shopped downtown, then hit the local tea shoppe. We brought home yummy cupcakes and cookies to celebrate.

The kids and I spent a day at Garvan Woodland Gardens. I think this was my favorite of our stops these 2 weeks here. The kids had such a fun time exploring the gardens. It was so well planned and laid out. There was a trail to follow, but from the trail there were so many rock paths and other tiny trails that led to somewhere else with something new to see. Or something that you could really only see well from the trail. It was beautifully done. For reals. If we lived near there, we would so invest in a season pass. I could imagine spending a day there sitting and reading or drawing in some little nook you found.

The Tree House area is a kids dream. While the treehouse was cool, there were tons of places to explore, climb rocks, explore a cave behind a waterfall where you could climb up and come out above…I had fun as an adult, but can just imagine the things a kid could dream up and pretend spending time there.

It was still too early for the tulips. (sad face) But the daffodils and some other bulb flowers were blooming. I think the lady said there were something like 100,000 tulip bulbs. Tulips are my favorite flower, how could they not be?! They are such a happy flower. So huge bummer we missed them blooming, but the other flowers were beautiful and bright.

Another highly recommended place to go with kids was the Mid America Science Museum. We took a field trip day and the kids got to try out all of the hands on displays there. They had 2 shows to choose from: The Tesla Demonstration and a Solar System Tour in the planetarium. The Tesla was by far our favorite, getting to see a 1.5 million volt Tesla Coil in action was pretty stinking cool. Unnerving, but cool. The Planetarium show was neat, but it looked a little too computery, and my brilliant observant hubby was quick to point out that they weren’t using the updated image models of Pluto. So what can ya do? Poor Pluto, it just can’t win for anything.

There were so many sights to see in Hot Springs, what would you add to the list of “must sees?”

~Enjoy the journey!

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