Bucket List: The Pioneer Woman Merc, Pawhuska, OK

So my hubby is awesome. We went out of the way on our way back to Texas and took a few extra days just so we could go spend the day in Pawhuska, (I like to say this word) OK and go to The Pioneer Woman’s Mercantile and Eatery.

Outside the Pioneer Woman’s Lodge

Since we left Montana, I think the rain followed us. It has rained literally every travel day so far. We arrived at the Settle Inn RV park a few miles outside of town. It’s a cute park with a super sweet park host. As we got settled, I used their laundry room to get a few loads of laundry done. We have a combo washer/drier, but we had been having trouble with our water pressure so it was easier to just use the park washer/drier.

Oklahoma is one of those states like Kansas, that I really don’t ever want to live in or stay a while. (I’m sorry to any Kanansasians and Oklahomians, I’m sure your home states are wonderful) Case in point: the weather picking up and us starting to get severe weather alerts. As my #1 is in the park shower house and I’m going to check a load in the drier, we get a text from the park host saying there was a tornado warning and to head to the shelter (they have 2) if it got close. Lovely. I go knock on the shower house door and try and tell my #1 calmly to hurry up in case the bad weather got close.

On the way back to the camper with my clothes, the park host stops me and says “tonight, if you hear someone beating on the side of your camper, get up and run to the shelter.” Understood. The campground is up on a hill and you can see pretty far off in the distance all around. I could see where the storm clouds were and the radar had it moving our way. Oh Lordy. I stood there and prayed. Prayed that the storm wouldn’t move any more our way or be severe.

At that point, my #1 was back to the camper and we went inside to go to sleep. I’d love to say I was like Jesus, trusting God and sleeping peacefully, but I’m not gonna lie. I was a little anxious. I checked the radar several times the next few hours and guess what? That storm didn’t move any closer to us. Thank you Lord!

The next morning we woke up super early (for us) and headed to the Mercantile to hopefully beat the line to eat breakfast. That totally paid off and we were able to get right in. It was pretty full already for just opening and it wasn’t long before a line was forming.

We met some sweet people on either side of us while waiting for our food and got to chat. Breakfast was phenomenal. Hubs got a steak and eggs breakfast, and the kids and I got waffles or pancakes.

After breakfast, which we all ate too much of, we walked through nextdoor into the store and it was just so much fun! I loved how colorful and eclectic everything was. She has everything from dinnerware, to kitchen gadgets, to clothes and accessories and house wares.

Because of Ree’s Mercantile, several other business have opened up in that little town and it’s really a hopping place to stop for a day or two.

At breakfast, our server gave us tickets and directions to Ree Drummonds lodge where her show is filmed. It was a beautiful drive out there and the Lodge was so very cool. When you walk in, you walk into the kitchen set where she films. We met a very nice older gentleman that was very knowledgeable about the area and encouraged us to open drawers, cabinets and closets. She even has a junk drawer too y’all.

Aside from the kitchen, down the hall there were several guest rooms and bathrooms as well as a humongous utility kitchen (and the pantry. wow.) that rivals the Duggars.

I told J when we finally settle down somewhere, this kitchen is the standard. J/k. Kinda.

~Enjoy the journey!

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