Breakfast on Elk Island

Hubby and I had planned an epic 1st day of school for the kids. Beginning with waking up early, getting on a boat, and having breakfast on Elk Island. That would have made for an awesome 1st day of school picture right? Homeschooling for the win yo…Do people still say that? If not, I’m bringing it back.

So we got the kids up early, bundled up as best we could. (We southerners were so not prepared for August in Wyoming) What?! It’s not 110 degrees at 8 am? It’s not by the way. Made it to the boat launch in record time for this family and we could hear some thunder off in the distance. The boat captain came out a few minutes later to say that they had to cancel due to the weather, so bummer on the epic back to school pic and breakfast I didn’t have to cook.

We did however go to the restaurant at Colter Bay for a yummy hot breakfast and made it back to the camper as the rain was starting to fall.

The rain made it easy to start school, because we couldn’t go outside anyway.

We rescheduled for the Elk Island trip and I’m so glad we did! It was about a 30 minute boat ride to the island and from there, we were greeted with piping hot cowboy coffee cooked on a campfire and a hearty breakfast including grilled trout, sausage, bacon, blueberry pancakes, eggs, yogurt and fruit.

There were tables set up on a flat section of the island with a unique view of Mt. Moran. We ate our hot breakfast and it was so good despite that it was pretty dern chilly. After we ate, everyone was invited to go on a short hike to the top of the hill for an incredible view. It was about a 10 minute hike but man, was it steep! I think we were all huffing and puffing by the time we reached the top and my thighs were on fire. View was totally worth it though!

~Enjoy the journey!

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