Day Trip! Flaming Gorge Nat’l Rec Area

After a rainy drive across the bottom of Wyoming (I-80 was windy y’all) we landed at the Rock Springs KOA in Rock Springs, (go figure) Wyoming.

The sun was actually out and had cleared up for the last 30 mins or so of our drive, but as we were setting up our site, there was a storm brewing! Huge drops of rain started to fall and the wind picked up as soon as we were finishing up the hoses. As we ran inside the sky let loose. We now can use the term “gully-washer” legitimately. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that term outside of an old western, but I’m bringing it back y’all…

Anyhoo, for the next 15 whole minutes it poured, wind was howling and lightning was flashing. One bolt in particular hit somewhere close and we learned afterward hit a camper at the other end of our row. No fire and everyone was okay thankfully! But goodness! Storms can sure come up quick in Wyoming! But as soon as it started, it was over and the sun was back out.

Since we were ahead of our schedule by a day arriving in the Grand Tetons, we decided to stay an extra day and take a day trip around Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. It was pretty from the pictures we had seen online while looking it up, but we were so not prepared for the massiveness (is that a word? I dunno..) of the “Gorge.”

You could see forever. So far it got hazy. Or it may have been residual smoke from the fires, but still quite amazing. The drive went through the bottom corner of Wyoming and down into Utah. The start of the trip we were at the top and while you couldn’t see the actual Flaming Gorge with water part until you got into Utah, the Wyoming side you could just see forever.

As we eventually made our way “down” we came into the small valley town of Manila, UT. Its picturesque and the people were friendly giving us tips on the rest of the drive. Our best views were yet to come as we rounded each corner and it was breathtaking view after view.

At the top, there was the Visitor Center where the kids and I got out to walk and take some pictures.

Not far from the Visitor Center they had a lodge that had a little gift shop and restaurant attached. I believe there were cabins to rent as well. It was so perfectly picturesque. Huge evergreen trees lining the landscape. Lush green grass with a pond and a smaller pond that people could sit around. A bird feeder that you could watch so many different types of birds come and snack. It was like watching a live postcard from the large window in the restaurant.

We went for a walk down to the dock after lunch to stretch our legs before the rest of the journey back.

It was quite the unexpected surprise with this day trip. Neither I nor Jeremy had heard of Flaming Gorge and I’m so glad we took the time to go. We can’t wait for more pleasant surprises along the way to see places that aren’t the usual stopping points.

~Enjoy the journey!

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