On the Road (finally!)

So it’s getting close to the end of summer and we have spent a lot of our time in (HOT) south Texas, and then mid/east Texas getting maintenance done and necessary paperwork so we can have all of our ducks in a row. None of that was fun, but necessary so we could do the fun stuff…adults know how that is.

We asked our kiddo’s where they wanted to go and our middle announced “Yellowstone!” So figuring that was as good an idea as any, we started making plans. I say making plans loosely. Planning is not my forte, nor have I done this before in an RV. So we estimated it would take about a week to get to Wyoming comfortably. We booked a spot for a few weeks at Colter Bay Campground at Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park. Then, we more or less winged it on our overnight spots. Because that’s how we roll.

Our first big stopover once we got out of Texas (which seemed like forever) was Colorado Springs, CO. We initially wanted to stay before that, but finding a campground on our route, that would accommodate our rig and had room was tedious. So while it was a longer travel day, it set us up for a good travel time for the rest of the trip. Arriving in Colorado Springs deserves its own post. So post to come.

~Enjoy the journey!

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