What Are We Doing?

What were we thinking?!?  We have had several people ask us this when we broke the news that we were going to sell our dream home and most of our belongings to do this.  

Is it a little crazy?  Sure.  But some of the best ideas are.  Some of our best memories are in that house and the friends and family that graced the inside of it.  I loved every minute we lived there.  It was fun to decide on the details, decorate and live in.

But when we started throwing this idea around a few years ago, we realize that its just “stuff.” Stuff is replaceable, but making memories with our family we decided was totally worth it.  We could continue to live there, and be comfortable, or we could get out and have the adventure of a lifetime.

It was a little crazy downsizing from 4,600 square feet to a 350 square foot box with a motor.  We downsized.  Then downsized some more.  Then downsized again when we bought our 2009 Newmar Allstar mid-engine diesel.  

No kidding…there we were, with a small Uhaul trailer packed to the gills and realized, “oh lawdy, this isn’t all going to fit.”

At that point, I had no problem donating or throwing the last little bit of stuff so that we wouldn’t be a complete cluttered mess in here.

Our sanity is totally worth it.  

So here we are, my husband and I, 3 kiddo’s and 2 dogs, houseless, but not homeless, living in our RV.

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